Hi guys!!

I foresee an amazing week ahead!!

As you might know, I started blogging again and I deemed it did to share what I’ve been up to with you guys before moving on to other things.

This year, I’ve blogged and talked a lot about making changes in my life and I’ve taken some steps towards that. I didn’t want to wait till 2019 for the whole “new year, new me” mantra. I started trying to break some bad habits of mine and imbibe other qualities that I believe I lack. One way I’ve stayed motivated is to remember why you started it in the first place. Remember why you want to be a better person. I use the app HabitBull on iOS to keep myself accountable by tracking my progress. I can add about six goals and it helps me see where I’m lagging behind and I can make necessary improvements where it’s required.

So another life update is how I’ve been dealing with acne again 😩😩 I’ve never worried about my face like I have in this past month cause I was finally in my happy place. Sometime in July, I started getting pimples; really tiny rash like pimples on my cheeks — nothing crazy but I was feeling boujee and I decided to visit a dermatologist — worst decision of my life or worst dermatologist of my life?

You can read a back story about my acne here.

So the dermatologist placed me on doxycycline 100mg, Retin A 0.05, Benzoyl Peroxide 5% (up’d it to 10% after a month) and Sebamed facial cleanser. Everything was going great in the first two weeks and i was excited. Then, in the third week it got a lot worse. Like ten times worse. I panicked. I mean, I haven’t had cystic acne since 2015 ish so I didn’t understand why I was getting painful cysts and pustules (I believe) all over my gorgeous face!

I didn’t care that I’d already spent roughly 50k at my dermatologist’s, I stopped using everything he prescribed. I believe Retin A is meant to make my skin purge but I didn’t want that type of purge abeg. It had purged for a month straight and took my face from almost clear to crazy rough. One thing I noticed though was that my scars faded off (more like peeled off), I didn’t have white heads on my chin and around nose anymore and my face was super smooth save the huge pimples I got around my cheeks and temples.

I’ve now started a new skincare regimen that I’ll actually stick with. The thing is, in the past, once my skin got clearer, I’d just wash my face and go about my day forgetting that I have acne prone skin and I need to take extra care of it. I did a little thinking and I realised that I always had a skin care regimen. It didn’t include much — just a cleanser and a toner. Sometimes, I’d use a moisturiser too. If this new skincare regimen works, I’ll definitely share with you guys…. I’ll wait to December ish to really know.

I think I’m finally ready to take my fitness and health seriously. I’ve been CONSTANTLY working out! Yeah, I’m as shocked as you are. I want to take it up a notch and register at a gym. It feels so liberating after ever workout honestly. The only thing that keeps me motivated is the fact that I’m doing it for my health and not a peng body. I have my cholesterol checkup in December and not only can I not stand the disapproving look on my doctor’s face whenever it’s above the normal range; I need to take better care of myself. I can’t wait for my fitness journey to begin (at the gym of course). I’m excited! I’ve also been drinking water and minding my business lol. I drink two-three litres of water everyday — sometimes three.

Of course there have been more personal updates. I might share some of them as time goes on. There’s time for everything right?

Thank you so much for stopping by and I really appreciate everyone for the encouraging and amazing comments in my previous post. Y’all are the absolute best! Thank you!!

4 thoughts on “LIFE RECAP

  1. Ajibike Oyinda says:

    Hi Tobi! Your skin really is showing you pepper. Even after spending money at the dermatologist? Jeez. Acne can be so annoying. Had a breakout for some months and I was so upset I would not even go out. I thought I looked hideous. I really do hope your skin clears up soon.

    Liked by 1 person

    • journalthreesixty says:

      Hi dammy! Honestly it was really frustrating. I think I was mad cause my face got way worse when I thought it’d be glowing — that’s the whole point of visiting a dermatologist right? Anyway, thankfully it’s clearing out nicely but leaving a lot of scars


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